We placed our Mother there in April 2016. The staff (Aids) were not giving our Mother an option (alternative, substitute) to eat if she did not like what was served on a particular day.
KRS Statutes clearly state that when changes in the menu are necessary, substitutions shall provide equal nutritive value and the changes shall be recorded on the menu and all menus shall be kept on file for thirty (30) days. If a patient refuses foods served, nutritional substitutions shall be offered.
This all transpires between Jan. 25 - Feb. 1, 2017.
I assumed the food situation was taken care of but our Mom kept complaining to us about not liking what was being served and not given an option. I was wrong! The food situation had deteriorated and also our Mother's right shoulder had sustained some type of injury. She could not move it without significant pain. She first told me that her shoulder was hurt on January 17, 2017. I assumed the Nursing Staff had been monitoring it and Charting on it. I was wrong!
Well, no one in the meeting even knew about our Mother's shoulder and we were told we would have to wait 24-48 hours to see a Chart. I agreed.
Jan. 25, 6:00 PM - an X-Ray was completed at 9:00 PM. So, at least there were no broken bones which is all a Plain Film X-Ray reveals. So our next course of action was to ask the facility to send Mom out for an MRI because an MRI will show things like torn Rotator Cuff damage, etc.
I called and requested this on the morning of Jan. 26th. I was refused once again and not allowed to see any Charting done on our Mom.
Jan. 26, 10:30 AM - two Staff members of the Homeplace visited Mom's room asking her very "leading questions", such as: "Do you like it here?" "Would you like to be somewhere else better?"
Jan. 26, 6:00 PM - my brother and I went to Homeplace to see the Charge Nurse. We asked her if we could see any type of Charting done on our Mom within the last 30 days. She called the Administrator and another Staff member and we were once again refused.
Jan. 27, 2:00 PM - Tonya Cox (Administrator at The Homeplace) called to inform me that my brother and I were being placed under "Supervised Visitation" status from this point onward and ask if we could have another meeting on Feb. 1 at 5:00 PM. I agreed to meet.
Allow me to interject another KRS Statute here and show where The Homeplace defied KRS Law by placing us under "Supervised Visitation." There are only a few reasons an Administrator can place a family member of a resident under "Supervised Visitation" and here they are: [1] if a resident of the facility is physically or verbally abused by the individual or group; [2] if an individual carries a firearm or other deadly weapon into the facility who is not a Law Enforcement Officer; [3] if an individual commits a felony or misdemeanor while on the facility's premises; and [4] if an individual is visibly under the influence of Alcohol or Drugs. (KRS 216.537; 216.540; 216.545; 194.050). My brother and I never violated any of these KRS Laws.
At this point all signs point towards "Retaliation" from the staff simply because we asked three questions about the food, mom's shoulder and mom's Chart.
Feb. 1, 5:00 PM - Tonya Cox said the reason she was forced to place my brother and I under "Supervised Visitation" was that we made her staff feel threatened; she accused of asking staff members for their home addresses. We never did this. Tonya Cox also handed us a packet full of blank medical records and a 30 Day Eviction Notice informing us that they were kicking mom out of the facility!
Therefore, my advice to anyone looking to place a family member in The Homeplace at Midway is this: if your family member has Dementia or Alzheimer's, then this is a great facility to place them because they will not be able to tell their family members any negative thing occurring there. If you or another family member ever complain, you better start looking for another nursing home for your loved one because they will figure out a way to get rid of you.