Review of Brookdale Richmond Heights

2 Star User Review

It's a shame that the service is so slipshod and unpredictable here….the concept has many excellent qualities. I like the idea of smaller "cottages" rather than a big building for the elderly to navigate. Homewood Richmond Heights has 5 cottages, each with its own dining room and lounge/TV room. The rooms are all studios, some larger and others a bit small, but they are attractive. They only have "mini-bars" and no kitchens. For my relative who is happy to eat in the dining room and no interest in cooking, this is fine. For someone who wants to bake, or wants to bring their cherished china or kitchenware -- not good.

The problem is follow-through and this is where the facility falls short. Staffing is lax and short-handed, with ONE waitress to serve 25 people at each meal. This forces long waits, cold food and people missing items…cold coffee or tea, no beverages before food, one person eating while another waits 45 minutes. Food is brought into each cottage from a central kitchen. Some meals have been good, others are "mystery meat". The quality varies wildly.

Likewise activities are listed, but often do not occur. Or occur in some cottages not others. You can hardy expect a frail old person to traipse on their own from cottage to cottage for a crafting class or bingo game! and what about winter? Many days, my relative has not one activity to go to. Things like "excursions to Applebees or Red Lobster" are schedule, then I find they never went after all. I find my relative gets zero activities most days.

You must ask for snacks or drinks, and short staffing means "good luck finding someone to help". Most staffers are so busy you hate to bug them. And snacks are terrible -- no fresh fruit or fresh baked goods, just cheap commerical cookies or stale cupcakes from discount stores. Some snacks sit out on the counter for DAYS.

Residents do not even get a house newspaper. If I bring my relative a paper, other residents grab for it. This seems like a small thing, but makes people feel cut off and lonely without news. ONE TV set -- not a big one -- in an awkward corner of the lounge, and no way to change the channel. Hard to see from most points in the room. Lamps are almost all unplugged, so useless. This is not a comfortable room at all, and with all residents in studios, this should be a substitute for having their own living room space!

I like the "small cottage" concept so much, but it is just not carried out well here. Cottages are also a bit shabby and cluttered. There are lovely open and screened porches in each cottage -- which are inaccessible to residents. Upstairs, the porch is closed permanently. Downstairs, porches have no furniture or doors to them are locked and must be opened by staff. As a result, they are almost always empty.