Review of Reservoir Center for Health & Rehabilitation, The

1 Star User Review

Facility filed in probate for guardianship of patient's(Had 2 family members as a health care proxy) Family visited every single day and were fully involved with said patient. Facility wouldn't acknowledge said proxy. Judge ordered an investigation and when time to go to court for the findings the facilities lawyers were a no show. All of a sudden they dropped the filing. Patient was rushed to hospital in really bad shape right before court and refused to tell family where patient or even bother to call patients family. Family found out patient was shipped out when they called the room and another patient was in the bed. I'm sure they didn't want the judge to know how neglected the patient was. Dr at the emergency room said he didn't understand. Dr said patient suffering from neglect. Stay away from that house of horrors. There were other patients family that were going through issues with their health care proxies and threatening to go to court.