Review of Villa at Palos Heights

1 Star User Review

My mother is still in this horrid facility, having gone in just over a week ago after knee surgery. Thankfully she is only in for a short stay. She and my sister were greeted in a friendly way when they arrived, and the first two days of her stay she seemed happy. But then she began to report that the meals went downhill dramatically, and she is being fed hotdogs and powdered eggs and canned ham!! for her meals. High sodium, processed garbage food, with no real nutrients. She has complained about her meals several times, and I have called and spoken to her nurse. If we had known that the facility would be so terribly cheap with its food budget, we never would have wanted her to go here. As it goes now, she will probable leave sooner than she intended to do so. I am very disappointed with this nursing home. Good fresh food is a huge part of any recovery, and of maintaining health. I feel sorry for the full time residents of this place.