Review of Etowah Landing

1 Star User Review

This place is very disappointing to a casual visitor. Warn out facility. Most rooms have 3 beds each. Really tight, no privacy in a generally non- private situation. The employee turnover is really bad. It is hard to get to know the care givers. The kitchen has sever little coverups. They mess up diabetic's meals a lot. They have an attitude problem on resident request. They also don't take the required precautions with residents with precautions. They use standard plated and silverware instead of disposable materials.They don't mark patient rooms with precautions exposing visitors and other residents. They leave the trays out on the floor a long time after meals.

This place servers people that probably would not be accepted many other places. It is disappointing they they seem to get a lower standard of care.

I am fining it hard to agree to return to visit. There is just nothing I can do to help.