Review of Brookfield Health and Rehab of Cascadia

4 Star User Review

My mother was in three other nursing homes before Victory. She was at Victory for over five years. I can say (from 11 years supervising my mother's care in various facilities), If anyone thinks they can put their loved one in ANY nursing home and turn their backs, they are dreadfully wrong. Victory has, for the most part, a very caring staff. There are exceptions (as with anywhere). Some are extraordinary and wonderful and a few horrible. All the homes my mother was in were understaffed and the staff was under paid for the extremely demanding jobs they do. Family absolutely must be on top of everything in every nursing situation. Know your loved one's weight on a weekly basis. Know their vitals - daily. Drop in - at LEAST twice a week, preferably 4-5 times a week. This is anywhere. Keep on top of urine tests for UTIs, know your loved one's normal condition and stay on top of it all…every single day. When doing this, I found Victory's staff willing to work with me to keep my mother as healthy and comfortable as possible. If I didn't keep a watch - in any of the homes where she resided, things didn't always get done. This was true for all of them. Victory, in my opinion, did a very good job when I worked with them for my mother's best interest.