Review of Life Care Center of Plano

1 Star User Review

My mother entered Life Care Center of Plano for rehabilitation after having a liver resection. The Center is nice enough and everyone seemed friendly and concerned at first, but I believe it was just a cover-up for bad business! We chose this place over others because it looks nice and because of it's 5 star rating and the review in US News and World report. However, we did not readmit her to Life Care Center after she left the hospital because we feel that she was not well cared for.

Mom was in Life Center Plano for a little over 3 weeks and she did not get better, but got progressively worse. When we discharged her from the center she had to go back into the hospital where we were told that she had:

1)Pneumonia (even though an x-ray taken that morning at the center showed her lungs to be clear). The ER doctor informed us that it looked like she had had Pneumonia for about a week

2) a urinary tract infection (the center had inserted a catheter 6 days prior because she was taking Lasix)

3) Cellulitis (we had been trying to get the nursing staff to look at her legs all weekend)

Also on the morning of her discharge a MALE staffer was sent in to bathe my mom. When I let him know that I did not want him to bathe mom he exchanged residents with a female staffer, but said that he had bathed mom before.

The therapists seemed to be doing what they were supposed to be doing, although mom was not progressing as fast as we hoped she would.

The nursing staff seemed indifferent , but would come to mom's room if someone insisted.Unfortunately the weekend staff was not even kind enough to do that; we had to bring to their attention that she was coughing and that her legs were very swollen and red. They did eventually call the Dr for permission to put mom on antibiotics and cough medicine.

The non-nursing staff seemed friendly enough, the food was good and they did try to have activities planned for the residents.

From our vantage point it seemed that no one at the center was proactive in making sure that mom was doing okay.

What we have learned is that you cannot be polite and assume that they are going to do what they should be doing or even what they promise you that they will do. You have to stand up for your loved one and make noise if noise is what it takes.

Mom is now in another rehab center and we will insist that she get better care. So far so good…….