User Reviews » Meadowview Rehabilitation and Nursing Center

These ratings and user reviews of Meadowview Rehabilitation and Nursing Center will help you pick the best nursing home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. All our reviews are written by users like you, and are not available anywhere else! See what patients of Meadowview Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, their friends, their families, and their loved ones have to say about their experiences with this nursing home.

Walk in and see a lobby full of people in wheelchairs doing absolutely NOTHING. Sometimes you can find people coloring in the dining room---unsupervised. On the bottom floor--there are ABSOLUTELY no activities going on--if residents want… Full Review

I have to say I am very very unimpressed with this nursing home. My father has not been taken care of well at all. No call bell with in reach, water that was given to him 3 or 4 days before, he was dirty, unshaven, nails way tooooo long, … Full Review

I would like to take a moment and thank you so much.When my mother Minerva Rile first came to Andorra Woods in august we thought their was no way we were getting her home again.The entire staff in your rehab center did a remarkable job,especially… Full Review

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