Review of Rydal Park of Philadelphia Prs

1 Star User Review

Although the staff is friendly, they seem to be neglectful. My parent's room in assisted living is always overflowing with trash and dirty laundry. There is supposed to be a weekly cleaning by staff, but it does not seem to be the case. In addition to the above-mentioned problems, my parent's room never seems to be dusted, only vacuumed.

When my parent lived in the independent living part of Rydal Park, the maid service was much better. Perhaps the cleaning service employees on the assisted living floor are simply not as caring as those on the independent floors. It is a shame, as I think basic and thorough cleaning of a room can and should be done every week. I have taken it upon myself to get rid of trash and to clean the back of the toilet seat.

The operative phrase is 'benign neglect' if you live in assisted living at Rydal Park.