Review of The Grand Rehabilitation and Nursing at Great Neck

1 Star User Review

If I tell you this place is a snakepit CLOSE IT DOWN!!! All the staff is truly the worst I've ever seen. The lack of medical care and compassion sickens me. My dad was left there to die thank God I got him out of there alive. When I tell you I was appalled in the treatment of all the residents there. My father who was gravely ill and they came out and said "he's not going to get any better so accept it you need to stop trying to keep him alive" Well Grace Plaza staff,social worker,Medical Director he's still alive and making great progress in a much better facility,where the staff is loving,caring and yes medically fit for my fathers needs.I write this for all of you that maybe considering this place and for those that may have a loved one there,GET THEM OUT AND KEEP THEM OUT. The State of New York Osbudsman classifieds the snakepit as a class A facility ugh. I don't give it 1 star it is truly awful.