Review of Yorktown Rehabilitation & Nursing Center

1 Star User Review

My mother is there now and is receiving very sub-par care. She endured a fracture and is non-weight bearing on on of her legs and can't go home because of all the stairs. They only shower her 2x a week! She is begging to be showered. They left her waiting on the toilet for over 30 minutes and then she got up and fell and they blamed her and chastised her for trying to do it on her own when she is supposed to wait for someone. I'm sorry but would you keep waiting and waiting after that long? They told her to wear a diaper to absorb sweat! How about change her freeking underwear for her 2x a day and she'll be fine. She hasn't been showered in 5 days and has now gotten a yeast infection and has skin rashes because she is a heavy menopausal woman who sweats almost all the time. The communication with the team there also hasn't been good. I was cut off mid-sentence by the lead nurse on my very first phone call there. It's not like I've been calling them with complaints, I've just had it at this point. My mother said someone (a PT an OT someone) would be calling me last week and they haven't called. I don't want to give away my identity but I am also a medical professional with a doctorate level degree and know this is not a high standard of care. Don't go there.