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» Latest Reviews for the 15 Nursing Homes in Somerset County, New Jersey

The average user rating for nursing homes in Somerset County, New Jersey is 2.4 out of 5 stars based on 28 ratings.

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  • Rehab at River's Edge Raritan, New Jersey 08869

    Actually, it should be a rating of 1/2 star, if any. P/T was the only area that I thought did a great job and was kind and compassionate.

    The nursing staff took forever to answer the call bell. Even 98% of the aides took very long to get to the room, but mostly when she shouted for them. Therefore, she had bad bed sores. She was lucky to get a bedpan or be changed regularly, unless one of three good aides were there to do it. I found out that the rehab was under investigation and review while she was there. There were also so many problems of workers sleeping on the job during nighttime hours. We were lucky if the nurses station answered the phones at all. Days were hit or miss. Forget about the nights. It would ring and ring, then be circulated to other nurses stations and most of them didn't know how to forward the call to the correct station. On many occasions, I had to drive there to check on my mother. The one night supervisor was nice and let me in.

    Many arrogant nurses that just shook their heads to "yes" when you asked questions and if tests turned out okay….until you called the doctor directly and found out differently about her condition. For example, she had pneumonia, as did many other patients. The nurses said she was fine. Most were brought to the hospital, but they talked me and my family into keeping her there. Bad move on our part.

    Oh, there is so much more w/my mom and other I have witnessed. I wouldn't put a dog in this place. One bright note - an administrator. He was very nice, but unfortunately did not correct the problems while there. He tried, but I guess the so-called directors and nurses with "position" override everything else.

    It's not only us, but others went through the same issues. Many were afraid to complain b/c they were afraid of being mistreated if found out. I do have more to say about this rehab, but I believe I have said enough.

    Please DO NOT put your loved one in this place!!!!

    Thank you for allowing an honest critique of this awful rehab facility.

  • Rehab at River's Edge Raritan, New Jersey 08869

    The rehab part is a place of extremes. My dad was sent there with 4 vertebra with compression fractures due to multiple melanoma. He was totally on his own and mentally sharper then some 40 year olds! This writing is after he has been there for 1 week. I have had experience with about 6 other re-hab centers in the past for other relatives.

    My fathers nurses were excellent and deserve highest rating for being caring, compassionate and attentive. Requests were handled quickly and follow through was perfect. I cannot say enough good!!!! I had true peace of mind knowing he was in their care. 5 Stars

    The staff doctor is basically a pill pusher if a little doesn't work then just up the dose until the side effects become too much to take, This happened 3 times with different meds! He does attend to issues quickly however (after note His mis-management of my fathers meds caused him to be re-admitted to the hosp shortly after leaving this place) 2 stars!

    The CNAs were very pleasant and attentive although some understood but others moved him too quickly and hurt him. Those CNAs needed to be told constantly to wait a minute and let him do what he could instead of moving him roughly and causing him great pain, Pain that could be avoided with a bit of patience and assisting him rather then pulling him around. But when told they would listen and wait to help as needed. 3 stars for the CNAS

    The rehab staff is the worst I have ever seen, lacking in compassion and competence. More concerned with Medicare guidelines being meet then with him. Most rehab centers have two therapy sessions a day to make it easier on the patients. Not here they tried to cram it all into one very long morning session. After only 5 days of therapy when higher and higher doses of pain meds didn't work they concluded "he doesn't WANT to do physical therapy" so they resorted to scare tactics and bullying. He was doing all he could and would try his hardest until the pain almost made him black out! What he needed was to start the cancer treatment and see an orthopedist ( something that had not been done or thought of) I told the oncologist and he wrote them a verbal b** slap stating "it isn't that he does not want to do the therapy but that he CAN'T b/c of the pain. The reason that he was not making improvement as is that "the underlying cause of his condition and pain wasn't being treated" ( The doc wisely did not start treatment until the test results were in and he knew what he was dealing with medically) Medicare guidelines DO allow time for treatments to be started, why didn't the therapists know that? .They never bothered to talk to his doctors before deciding that he must be non-compliant. The therapy he did receive was too aggressive and caused him to suffer more. He showed them how he could move side to side now in the bed and he couldn't before the therapist said "See that s b/c of the physical therapy on your arms" - which is nonsense 1) that motion uses not the arms but the lats and back muscles and 2) he was plenty strong enough to live on his own and carry in bags of groceries etc just a week before. They weren't aware because then never asked. It was heart-breaking the way they talked him. negative stars for them.

    The social workers main concern was how the Medicare co-pay would be paid after day 20 in rehab and this was on day 7! He was quite rude to my father berating him for not being able to get up that day and into therapy. HE was telling him all the horrible things that were going to happen to him. I'm not a medical professional but i don't think his muscles will atrophy, his lung function will be compromised and otherwise healthy skin will develop bedsores b/c he missed just one day of therapy! After staring in shocked disbelief at what i was hearing I finally spoke up and told him to STOP! He also decreed that he was SURE 100% he would never walk with out a walker. Quite arrogant i thought from someone who was not a therapist, just an LSW. Negative Stars

    My dad was in the new wing ( 500) and that was excellent, clean and new! Food was excellent, great variety, tasty and nutritious 5 stars for facility.

    After thoughts - Decor aside it was a very negative place he was told constantly how he needed them and needed constant supervision b/c he was "safety unaware" They could not explain this further or give me examples. When I asked how is OT coming along I was told he had not been given any! He was there For three weeks and they NEVER showed him how to do ANYTHING for himself, Maybe that was why he was unaware of the safe way to do things? ya think?

  • Arbor at Laurel Circle, The Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807

    this facility is grossly over rated. Care was minimal at best, and almost nonexistant on the weekends. Professional nursing staff grossly uneducated about dealing with the aging population and their families. This spilled over into the nonprofessional staff who were not trained in this area at all. The food was the worst I've seen. At the business level they are totally unbusiness like and asre inept at resolving problems.

  • Regency Heritage Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Somerset, New Jersey 08873

    Excellent facility with fine care and caring. This is not an end of the road facility. The residents are offered a life of activities dining and attending to their individual needs. Our mother who was very reluctant to leave her home. She is in her late nineties and calls The Regency THE GRAND HOTEL!!

  • Skilled Nursing at Fellowship Village Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920

    I agree wholeheartedly with the family member who laments the recent changes in management at Fellowship Village, and I find it suspicious that three such glowing rebuttals appeared within three days of his review. I think it is clear that these were solicited if not actually written by the management.

    My mother, too, has been at FV for more than a decade. She has always been a very positive person, but over the past year, she has become increasingly dissatisfied with life at the Village.

    She is very active for her age and used to enjoy the outings that were offered. She now feels that fewer, less appealing day trips are being made available. A recent trip that was billed as a tour of Brooklyn, for instance, turned out to be a drive-by of one site in Brooklyn and the rest of the day in Manhattan. No compensation was offered to the busload of unhappy former Brooklyn residents.

    Unlike the alleged parent of one of the other reviewers, she does not find the new management sympathetic or responsive. When she has had occasion to speak with the new CEO about her concerns she has felt patronized and ultimately ignored.

    The lack of services on weekends is another cause for concern. In the past, there were maintenance people and medical staff available to deal with emergencies. Not anymore. A friend of my mother's recently had the misfortune to discover that her toilet was clogged on a weekend and had to wait until Monday for it to be repaired. Was there not a single person on the grounds who could have made a visit with a plunger?

    The other reviewer seems to be content with a nurse telling his parent to go to the hospital or call 911. I am not. My mother, like many of her generation, does not like to make waves. She would never do either of those things. She needs someone to help her assess the urgency of her condition and take appropriate action, which might well be to tell her to "take some ibuprofen and see the doctor on Monday." But we chose a CCRC for her partially because we didn't want her to have to make such decisions on her own. The presence of a skilled nursing facility on premises was a selling point, but what good is it if the skilled nurse is not permitted to get involved?

    I think Fellowship Village has the potential to be what it once was, but I believe it will take a conscious effort, initiated, perhaps, by the board of directors, to make the well-being of the residents top priority. Until that happens, my recommendation will be half-hearted.

  • Arbor at Laurel Circle, The Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807

    This facility provides independent, assisted and long term care. The facility is well maintained, but it is clear that budgets are strained. There are many vacancies in the independent living section and consequently, there have been many cutbacks in services including the quantity and quality of food. In addition, annual rates continue to increase significantly making it very difficult for existing residents who are on a fixed budget.

  • Skilled Nursing at Fellowship Village Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920

    My parents have been living at Fellowship Village for seven years and are very happy as am I. Over the years they have seen many changes, both in administration and in the physical plant. While change is never easy. All of these changes have been done with great thought for the comfort and well-being of the residents, planning and consultation with resident committees.

    The current CEO, in office for the past couple of years, has a very hands on management style. He interacts with residents and resident committees often, e.g. he can be seen in the dining room greeting and talking with residents. He was at the helm through the most recent renovation of the dining facilities. Committees of residents were formed and consulted through the design and construction process.

    The emergency care in independent living has been stellar! On the 4th of July of 2010, my father went unconscious during our family BBQ. We called the nurse who was there within minutes as were two emergency medical teams. At other times when my father has fallen and been unable to get up, my mother called for help and a nurse and security arrived to assist.

    Since my parents moved to FV, their world has expanded. They are still very active and have made many, many new friends, with whom they play bridge weekly, go to dinners, parties, and other events both on campus and off. They have taken many FV trips both day and multi- days, which are well organized, executed and lots of fun. My mother takes a daily water aerobics class which is a god send for her arthritis. My father takes the exercise class three times a week and walks regularly with a special group.

    I sleep much easier, knowing that they are being well provided for and have a wonderful support system in place.

    Leslie Bryan (Ann and Bob's daughter), Weehawken, NJ

  • Skilled Nursing at Fellowship Village Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920

    I have been a resident of Fellowship Village for 15 yrs. and am known as a "pioneer". I have seen many changes--and all for the betterment of the residents. Our current CEO (formerly our CFO for 10 yrs) knows the workings of the Village inside & out and is always available to answer questions and concerns. As is our COO.

    In this economy, marketing has been important. We are a non-profit facility and keeping the units occupied is crucial to our staying financially sound and in controlling our individual costs.

    Activities & trips are varied and participa-

    tion is by personal choice. Interest groups are numerous & new groups can be started by anyone interested.

    It is exciting to live in such an active facility with such a caring and friendly staff and group of residents.

  • Skilled Nursing at Fellowship Village Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920

    As a resident of Fellowship Village for 6 years, I do not understand the mis- information presented by a family member of one of our residents. We have a CEO who has an open door policy and listens to residents' problems and ideas. We have a COO who is extremely informed about geriatric care at all levels and also has an open door policy to see and listen to residents I suggest the writer call for an appointment to discuss "Mother's" problem. The writer will be treated with respect that all people deserve (That is included in the mission of the Village).

    The bus purchase and costs have not been settled at this time.

    Activities and Interest groups are varied. If a resident has as idea, they are encouraged to start their own interest group with help from management, the Residents' Council or other residents.

    In an emergency, a resident will have a nurse answer the emergency call. At that time, the nurse will advise the resident to go to the hospital and will call 911. Sometimes 911 is called by the spouse ahead of the nurse because of the obvious need. Single residents should have listed an in house advocate if they are without family.

  • Skilled Nursing at Fellowship Village Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920

    My parents used to be very happy at Fellowship Village, because they felt that the management not only provided excellent care for them, but valued them as individuals. At the time, the large initial fee and substantial monthly costs seemed like a good investment in their health and happiness.

    However, with the fairly recent change in administration, many of the things that were so appealing about the facility have deteriorated. And since none of the upfront money is refundable, my mother no longer can afford to move somewhere else. She feels trapped.

    The focus seems to have shifted from care giving to marketing, with the prospective resident taking precedence over the current resident -- which isn't too surprising, since the President and CEO earned his degrees in accounting and business administration. From what I can see, there seems to be no value placed on geriatric training at the management level. For the resident that has a family member to intervene if there is a problem, this isn't too bad, but those who are alone are left to fend for themselves. There is no one who acts as an advocate for the individual residents.

    The recreational activities offered not terribly exciting, and now FV is asking the residents themselves to buy a new, more comfortable bus for outings!

    The nurse practitioners at the wellness center are great, and if you get sick during business hours, you're fine. FV's website speaks of "emergency nursing sevice available on site 24 hours a day," which is true; there is one nurse (not a NP) on duty. This means that if a resident gets sick on the weekend or after hours and needs medication or treatment beyond nursing care, he or she would need to drive to the emergency room or call 911 to get help. For the elderly person who doesn't like to "make a fuss," calling 911 might be out of the question, leaving him or her to suffer all weekend.

    On the positive side, I will say that the staff members that have day-to-day contact with the residents are cheerful and caring, and my previous comments apply primarily to the independent living section of Fellowship Village. I have little experience with assisted living, skilled nursing and dementia care, but have heard that they are much better.