Review of The Villa at City Center

1 Star User Review

I was very upset twice in one day with this nursing home. The first visit to see my dad he smelt like poop. Later that day I came back and he is laying in the bed naked. Why? Hmmmm Laziness. The people who work there should be lucky they even have a job in this economy and its not old peoples fault that they do not get paid much. I am very disappointed in this place I put my trust in them into taking care of my father. Trust me I am going further about this. Its not only my father who is being mistreated.

Replies to This Review

My mother was at Bortz for over two years. At first she was mad at me placing her in a nursing home but quickly enjoy it. She even made a best friend. It was clean, staff was friendly and knowledgebale and had fun activites. I was always greated with smiles and they took such good care of her.

While I agree that some health care workers are lazy, there are other explanations for what has happened to your father. I'm coming from the aspect of having worked in a long term care facility. Some residents are so confused that they take their clothes off, for some reason they do not want to stay dressed. Perhaps he took his clothing off himself and you saw him before the staff was able to get him dressed again? As for the staff being lazy because of what little pay they receive. That doesn't really make sense. The facilities I worked at regularly assigned 10, 12, 15 residents to 1 aide. I'll be gracious for my example and use the 10 resident assignment. In an 8 hour shift, take off 40 minutes (2 10 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch…I have worked shifts where it was a challenge to get that 30 minute lunch break, let alone a break to run to the bathroom). That leaves you 7 hours and 20 minutes to get your work done. That leaves 44 minutes for each resident to: bathe, change, get them or help them get dressed, get them to the dining room, help them eat (if necessary), clean them, change their beds, straighten their rooms, update their relatives (if necessary), transport them to rooms, activities, check them throughout the day to see if they need anything or to be cleaned or changed. Please do the math!! If you have 15 patients (which I found was more likely to be the number of residents assigned), that number goes down to 29 minutes for each resident. As you can see, it can be very challenging getting the bare minimum done for these residents. I have been on shifts where I was on my feet for 8 hours straight, no breaks, no lunch, and STILL did not get everything done. I don't think you need to complain about lazy workers and them being lazy because the get crap pay. You need to complain to the facility that assigns an unreasonable number of residents to one aide and expects the resident to get quality care, you need to complain to the facility that is understaffed and expects their one or two aides to work like dogs and expect them to get everything done, you need to complain to the facility and find out why the resident to aide ratio is so high, and then you need to complain to the state about these things. It's highly unrealistic to think that you can spend 30 or 40 minutes throughout a shift per resident and expect them to be receiving quality care.