My mom had an ICD (surgical placement of defibrillator /pacemaker) at St E's on a Monday and again Friday. After being in the hospital for the week she was weak and needed to go to a rehab facility for physical therapy to get her strength back as well as monitoring to make sure her arm was not over extended to dislodge the wires to her heart.
As a registered nurse manager and hospital liaison nurse for a large (290 residents) DDS facility, I had frequently referred to Franklin Health for my patients who needed skilled nursing care/rehab post hospitalizations. So my first choice when discussing options with the St E's social worker for my mom was Medway Country Manor with Franklin House as a second.
Within 1 day of the referral for my mom, I received a call from the admissions coordinator at MCM to discuss the care Mom would need as well as being invited to tour the facility at my convenience. However a bed was available at FH, and Mom wanted to be closer to her apartment in Franklin, so the St E's social worker made arrangements for Mom to go there the following Saturday.
I never received a call from the admissions coordinator at Franklin Health prior to Mom's admission to discuss anything, nor did I receive a call from anyone at Franklin Health to let me know that she had arrived on Saturday afternoon.
The main entry to Franklin Health is dark and dingy, not at all welcoming. On admission my Moms b/p was taken on her surgical site arm, and was done lifting her arm higher than was supposed to , putting her at risk for loosening one of the wires controlling her heart. On arrival to FH, the CNA told her to “get dressed and hang out”. She had had surgery the day before, but the pain med ordered by her doctor would not be available till 10pm that night from the pharmacy the facility used. Instead of calling the facility doctor and getting a different pain med that the facility had on hand, they let her suffer in pain till her meds were delivered late that night. She was told by the nurse at that time that if she needed pain meds, she was supposed to walk out to the nurses station and request it. She was told there was nothing they could do till her meds arrived. Her surgical incision was never checked or the dressing changed until the following Wednesday (5 days later!) and only after I made multiple calls and requested it be looked at as well as during her 72 hour facility meeting which I participated in by conference call.
When her dressing was changed finally on Wednesday, it was done incorrectly per the pacemaker clinic nurse at Mom's cardiologists office , resulting in the remaining steri strips holding her wound together being removed when the dressing came off. Fortunately her incision was fairly well healed even tho the steri strips should have been on till they fell off.
During the 72 hour meeting at Franklin House, the physical therapist working with Mom (Marie, she was terrific), said that mom had improved greatly with her ambulation. At the meeting I requested discharge back to her home as soon as possible that week with follow up visiting nurse and PT services. The FH social worker Susan Goodale told me she would call the VNA that afternoon. I requested copies of moms discharge papers from St E's and made arrangements to have my brother pick them up and drop off copies of moms health care proxy forms the following morning. I was told this would also be done.
My brother went there the following morning and gave the HCP papers to the unit manager Pam, who said she would bring the discharge papers in a few minutes to him while he was visiting Mom. 45 minutes later and Pam never showed up. Rick went down to her office and was told she was in a meeting for another half hour or so. We have yet to recieve the paperwork.
The next day I called to speak with the SW Karen,and she told me she didn't have time yesterday to call VNA and set up services, but that she would that day. she said she had had a Medicaid meeting that day, and that Mom was not ready for discharge as she was dizzy when walking. When I mentioned that at the 72 hour meeting less than 24 hours ago, was told Mom was not having any dizziness at all, then the SW said she didn't have her notes in front of her and her office was being moved, and she needed to look at her notes. I called back later in the afternoon, the SW had left, and when I checked with VNA myself, no referral had yet been called in.
I called the VNA as well as Moms primary care and had VNA services set up for her myself. I then called the DOn at FH who was most helpful, and told her that I was arranging for moms discharge the following morning.
Mom was on Coumadin ,a blood thinner and needs to have weekly lab work done to make sure the levels aren't too high which could make her bleed to death, or too low which could indicate a blood clot and also cause death. She was supposed to have the lab work done on the Tuesday after her admission to FH, it was never done, and when checked by her cardiologist the Friday after we had her discharged from FH, her level was life threatening low and required medication adjustments.
The DON Karen was most helpful and had told me she would speak with the facility administrator about my concerns, and the errors of the facility with Moms admission. The administrator Michelle called me the next day and was quite rude and could have cared less about the major inadequacies demonstrated by the facility and staff staff towards my mom, and asked me "are you people capable of taking care of your mother at home?" She was more concerned about covering her butt because I was having my mom discharged than she was about the lack of care provided to my mom while under her care. She told me that I could not have my mom discharged from the facility!
I have been a registered nurse for 32 years, having worked in nursing homes/rehab, hospitals and for the Comm of MA. In all my experience, I have never seen such a poorly run facility, with such disregard for the patients health and well being as well as family concerns/involvement.
If you are looking for a rehab for your beloved family member or friend, do not even consider Franklin House Healthcare!