Oregon Nursing Home Abuse

» Directory of Helplines, Hotlines, and Elder Abuse Prevention Resources

Oregon directory of helplines, hotlines, and elder abuse prevention resources including reporting numbers, government agencies, state laws, state-specific data and statistics, and other resources.

If someone is in immediate danger, call 911 or the local police for immediate help.

Oregon Elder Abuse

Helplines, Hotlines, and Referral Sources

To report suspected elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation occurring in the home or in long term care facilities in Oregon:

  • 855-503-SAFE (7233)

Those wishing to report suspected elder mistreatment may also contact the local DHS or Area Agency on Aging office directly. To obtain county specific contact information, consult the Local Offices Directory.

To reach the Long Term Care Ombudsman

  • 800-522-2602 (in-state line)
  • 503-378-6533 (out-of-state line)

Additional Information

State Government Agencies

Laws and Regulations

Other Resources