Review of Life Care Center of Nashoba Valley

5 Star User Review

One of a kind! Their rehab program saved mom's life after I transferred her out of a terrible one. Immaculate. Bright. Amazing staff (administration to medical to laundry) is kind, friendly, professional, attentive to little & big things, genuinely interested. No patient is a number. They treat the body, mind and soul by honoring a patient's humanity in a million little unexpected ways. Every one has a bird feeder on their window, pets are welcome and encouraged to visit, 2 'on staff' Golden Retriever therapy dogs, and 3 friendly llamas in the orchard off the veranda make it joyous for the whole family to visit. Your kids will actually want to come with you. If you have to be in rehab or a nursing home - this is the place. If you are like me, a stressed out, working full time caretaker for someone you love - this is the place. There is no where else like it.